Thrifting Trials and Tribulations

Last week’s thrifting adventures ended up less than successful. Return trips to both the South Everett and Downtown Everett Goodwills turned up a big fat NADA. Some good stuff tempted me. I decided to leave them on the shelves for some other deserving customer. I took some pictures for memories:

Too expensive!


My depression began with this super awesome Ivy Cinderella bowl which belongs to a chip and dip set. $12.99. Someone looking to complete their set will be very happy to find this.

DWD Butterprint

DWD Butterprint

The tears welled up at the sight of this abused Amish Butterprint Cinderella bowl which I desperately need to complete my set. But it was too far gone.

DWD Daisy

DWD Daisy

Then this Daisy too! Who does this?

They should be together

They should be together

I put them together on the shelf. They should spent their last days together.

This little guy lifted my spirits:



I spotted some great dishes in the Downtown Everett Goodwill housewares section:

Pyrex tea cups

While these great blue and gold-rimmed Pyrex tea cups are pretty, they are actually not worth a whole lot.




Super cute and heavy; someone will enjoy this entire 10 piece set of Pink scalloped rim dishes.

It’s not all bad news! Corynn and I did end up enjoying a day trip to the West Seattle Antique mall. Of course, no surprise to us, we left empty-handed. We can’t justify spending $20 on something we will find in a few weeks for $5 at Goodwill.

Blue Pyrex

Blue Pyrex



I have to admit I almost bought this. $15 is pretty reasonable.

Shenandoah Pyrex

Shenandoah Pyrex

Pink Stripe

Pink Stripe



This is an old Fiesta Ware candlestick holder.

Fiesta Candlestick

Fiesta Candlestick

I think she could use some help:



We both fell in love with this cabinet. I think it was priced at $1250. Holy cow.





Moral of the story? There’s nothing like a trip to an antique store to put Goodwill prices in context. Yes, I still can’t afford to pay $3 for a tea-cup that I don’t need or want, but it’s still a whole heck of a lot better than $23!

Maybe this week will be better for us.

19 thoughts on “Thrifting Trials and Tribulations

  1. Tiffany

    I’ve seen similar dinner ware like the pink scallop set. Maybe Homer Loughlin, Buffalo or the like. We had a set of red scallop, but I can’t fully recall who made them.

  2. mygoodwillfinds

    That was nice of you to put them together:). Very thoughtful. And yes sometimes Goodwill prices can even seem high…but it is good to put it into context. Better luck next time!

  3. Theresa

    I haven’t purchased any Pyrex lately. I see it all the time, but it’s either trashed or I’m not sure if it’s in demand or not. Except for certain prints, I think the market is flooded. I don’t think people are buying things just because it’s Pyrex anymore. I have cut my shopping way down. I’ve been spending most of my time in the planter aisle. Looks like they still don’t know what McCoy or Gonder is yet 🙂

    1. AngLeeRick Post author

      This bowl shape/style was named Cinderella when it came out. It came out in the 50s when there as a big Cinderella craze. The Disney Movie came out and there was some big play that was popular at the time too.

  4. Debbie

    Love the pink striped, I would have snatched that up in a heartbeat! I feel so sad over that Butterprint as well, from the picture though the Daisy doesn’t look too bad. You might want to check the base of the Butterprint, there are two different base molds, the more common base was changed sometime in the early 60s from the original mold.


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